Wednesday, 9 August 2017


Assalamualaikum and hi there!

How are you guys today? I hope all of you are doing great and had a very pleasant day. Oh btw, my day today is kinda awful tho hahaha. This morning, the tram that I rode stopped a stop right before mine and the conductor asked us to go down since that is going to be the last stop. I'm screwed man. I pretty sure I used up a lot of ATP walking a kilometre to class. Okay then I tried to make sure that my day is not gonna be spoilt by that incident. UNFORTUNATELY, as I went back to my stay, I accidentally miss one stop from the stop that I'm going. I swear to God I am so hungry and barai and wanna pengsan already cause I had class from 9-5 today and I just need my rest :') This incident once again forced me to walk back home aiyo sis barai gila harini. #healthylifestylenohal

Anyway, back to the topic that I wanna share today, just to inform you that I WONT SPREAD ANY DAKYAH. I STILL CELEBRATE EID-UL FITR IN SYAWAL. Please don't misunderstand ye ;)

So the thing was we had this Mega Raya celebration last Sunday (I know Syawal passed already haha) at Malaysia Hall and all the Malaysian students or parents or whoever has Malaysian IC are invited to come and join and most importantly to enjoy the free food. Yas that's what I like. And I did joined the volunteer team that day and my job is to serve the people with delicious and scrumptious and mouthwatering and yummy foooooooodddd. Thank God I got this part. It suits my nature tho haha. My shift started from 10 am and ended at 1. Even so, my hungry malay tummy cannot stand anymore so I went there earlier. To eat with peace before anyone else come (the event starts at 11 btw). Nikmat dia tu Allah saja yang tahu weh haha so I had these for my breakfast, brunch, lunch, high tea and dinner. Heaven on earth! Sesungguhnya nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kau dustakan (':

There are soto, green chicken curry, nasi himpit, ayam masak merah, acar etc

After my shift ended, I clocked out and straight away with very high determination go to my room and walk to my bed and lie down and pull my blanket on and gracefully sleep. What else rite? Lol.

In between Sunday up to yesterday, I do nothing much. Just a daily routine. Classes and classes again. But today is kinda special because I'd unlocked one more achievement! *standing ovation*

I took part in helping this one senior with his Honour's research about something related to optometric and vision thingy. Basically what I need to do is to complete this one AQ test, look at the moving dot, watched a one-minute story telling about Disney's princesses and have a minute Skype with his supervisor and himself and we talked about this flea creature incident happened at the Brighton Beach recently if I'm not mistaken. That's it and at the end of the process, he handed me a gift card worth $10 for Coles. OMG! I am legit happy haha. Settle dah groceries expenditure for next week alhamdulillah. Eh wait so by doing that, I got this ten bucks. Can I consider this as my first part time job here? 😝

I really enjoy this session. Both of them are so nice and full of encouragement! 

Esok jugak saya serbu Coles $$
Oh last one. Yesterday I went to a very decent coffee shop with kak Hana right after class and we had this hot chocolate. Fun fact about me is that I never been to a coffee shop before this like I don't even feel like to. Since I don't really into coffee, there is no dire need for me to go there. However, since yesterday, I think I'm gonna come here quite often. The ambiance is so calm and having a chit chat here is very satisfying tambah tambah bila kak Hana yang belanja hihi. 

Effort kak Hana untuk bagi nampak macam candid :P

Effort saya untuk bagi nampak macam hipster -.-

5 stars for you. Or should I rate you 7 instead? 

These are all for tonight's entry. Now is 12 am dy. I need to sleep #perksofbeingastudent

Before I say good night, erm *acah dehem sikit* *buat buat batuk* *awkward gesture*



I have a news.
I passed YK's fourth stage interview and I'll be having the last stage interview this coming Tuesday. Em nak mintak tolong doakan boleh tak? 🙈

Doakan supaya saya tenang jawab semua soalan yang ditanya.
Doakan supaya interviewer lembut hati nak award saya with this scholarship (yang saya teringin dari f5 lagi huhu)
Doakan semuanya dipermudahkan.
Doakan yang terbaik untuk saya.

Okay haha mintak lebih lebih pulak. Terima kasih semua. Yang sentiasa support and mendoakan. Semoga hampa semua murah rezeki and diberkati-Nya. 

Good night!

Future Yayasan Khazanah's scholar (amin 🙏🏻),

Aini Syahirah.